This is a time to cleanse. Your thoughts, your mind, your body. There is a theme of this in every religion, in cultures and in social structures.
Take a moment and look at yourself and your day. What if in every moment there was hidden behind each choice, a decision to add prana or kill prana. Prana being the life force of your human experience.
What if increasing prana also increased vibration and all that follows which is yum.
What if every decision you make is adding to or killing the life force within you? You know this. You can feel the heaviness of the battle of losing prana.
Today you can say enough! I am ready to take full responsibility for my life energy force. Not to squander it casually in laziness, thoughtlessness or habit.
Whew! What a commitment?!
Do you know what makes it easy? The path of least resistance? It is the only REAL choice. All other choices are illusion. If you are serious about the reason you came here, which is HUGE (or you couldn’t have done it), then stop dancing with illusion.
As you begin to cleanse your body and mind you will see how true this is. This is when you trust and just do something purely because someone you believe in said to do it. It won’t take long before you find your deeper knowing which will quickly step back into role as your guide and translator again.
You have spent many years creating distance between you and your inner guide till all that was left was the illusion and the programming designed to keep you off line.
Every decision carries the outcome fo helping increase prana or not. We mean every decision! Raising prana is raising your frequency and is serving not only your purpose but also the highest good of all!
Your decisions may completely appear self centered or selfish at first. Breath and tune in. Cleansing will be aligning with high energy foods.
Detoxing, fasting, sweating, exercise…
It is important to note that none of these will serve you if they are forced or laden with expectation. If you feel a lot of resistance begin merely with recognizing the choice is yours. The choice is yours. What is your choice in this moment? There is no wrong choice.
As you tune to your inner life force and begin to make choices honoring this. You will find Heaven on Earth. It is here. Your body will be healed by your love and attention.
Your purpose will be fulfilled by your willingness to be fully attentive and present. Your purpose is ready to bloom.
In this cleansed space it will open and expand organically.
Meditation is teaching patience, letting go and mindfulness. For too long the ego has been treated as a prince, given in to every whim and demand. No longer.
As you create momentum with your cleansing, life changes will be effortless anchors in the new frequency.
No longer will you set goals and resolutions. You will naturally, organically evolve into your highest potential self.
Ever expanding is the gift of this experience. Now you know. Begin Now!
Be curious, add something new every day. Check into the now moment! Use your senses in the now! Make choices that increase prana. Great food, fun, beautiful loving moments. Forgive.
Extend love into the least of moment.
You are the ‘I am’. So be that. Be. Allow authenticity to be witnessed in every choice you make. The thoughts, the things you look at, what you eat, what you say, what you do, what you buy, how you move, the emotions you entertain, the choice to follow inspired action. Everything.
The time is Now. A cleansed body is necessary for the shift that is coming. Thought the gift you give yourself now with a practice of cleansing is enough reason to begin.
We love you.